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Scott Attrill

» Mega

Reviewed by Dave Mac / Submitted 29-08-09 15:05

Label: Riot
Format: CD
Genre: Hard Tech Trance

Without doubt my love for the hard tech trance sound and what Scott Attrill has been doing this year has been well documented. So when Mega landed on my door step I couldn't help be as giddy as a school girl.

From the get go with the opening track 2 Invade Attrills obvious love for different styles becomes apparent. A heavy breakbeat, with heavy electric guitars and to my ear a slight Daft Punk esq electro feel going on. Its an unexpected start that moves us neatly onto the next track.

Stupid Girl by Garbage certainly isn't the first track I would expect to hear remixed, but the beautifully resung vocal sits well in Scott's unique techy beats. For me personally this is one of the weaker tracks from the ablum, but the fact its still darn good certainly speaks volumes for the quality of the album as a whole.

Third is Hot Stuff which contray to popular belief ISN'T a tribute to me. Razz But Attrill is certainly busting out some very cool bleeping noises on this, with a real minimal feel to it.

The really techy and already huge track from this year Sledgehammer is next up and is already a firm favourite of many a jock this year. With its techy beats and almost computer game like incidental noises, this for me is a real romp into what this whole hard tech dance genre is all about.

For you ass shakers out there Big Bass is up next, with its fantastic heavy warpy bassline, this is a dancefloor winner. With a much more trance based breakdown, this is a masterclass in that tech trance idea of building and building till you drop back into that funky as you like bassline!

Twister is where Scott tips his trillby to his old skool roots. With the fantastic use of mashed up and twisted to death piano riff that to me screams Awesome 3 - Dont Go which is never going to be a bad thing at all!!

We then come back to a more trancier number in The Machine which has a breakdown that is screaming for laser reaching. A fabulous riff that takes you back trance days gone by, yet we still have Scott unmistakeable hard techy beats in there.

Phatt has a more techno vibe to it, again with old skool piano vibes, this works perfectly bridging into Existence which is up next. A track that has percussion that just takes the whole cd's energy up a notch Scott's setting us up for the home stretch of tracks which for me are a non stop aural assault.

Sexyfilthydirty is one of the other few vocal tracks on there and with a vocal like this will be a smash. Drenched in acid lines, a wicked breakbeat in the breakdown and the spoken vocal mean this one adds up to be a real winner.

The albums title track Mega is without doubt one of the most innovative tracks off the album and anyone who doesn't own a copy should as this is without doubt what ground breaking music is all about. Huge slices of tech influences, almost 80's like synths and a main riff that is soooooo clean its like having Mr Muscle round for dinner to give your ears a scrub.

The Mighty Bosh should without doubt be the track I hate the most as it actually had me dancing at the train station on Friday evening while listening. The breakdown SCREAMS prodigy with the breaks and synths, this is nothing short of pure and utter grooviness! But what follows in Massive is pure pure perfection. By a country mile my favourite track from the album. Lifting an old bring the noise sample, the warping, throbbing bassline yet with outrageously trance stabs. Its a masterpiece. Its got riff that makes me think of Pendulum and Prodigy at the same time, but the breakdown, WHAT a breakdown. Trance as I know and love it, a simple riff, yet amazingly effective.

Another resung vocal in the form of Right Before My Eyes yet its cut up brilliantly to add depth to the whole track. A mashed up piano yet again is Attrill showing his love all things old skool.

The conclusion of the album is More Power . More lyrics from back in the day, this time in the form of the Snap classic. Its a typical off the wall Attrill number and fitting end to the album as a whole.

I wanted to resist all my urges to give this top marks as I dont believe anything can be that perfect. But Scott Attrill is without doubt making the most innovative music around at the moment. To get so many great ground breaking tunes in one place is incredible. Check Mega out if you want an insight into what EVERYONE will be playing in a few months time.

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