Mixed by Lisa Pin-Up & Caroline Banx
» Hard House Anthems 5: X-Rated
Reviewed by Scottie
/ Submitted 18-03-04 23:12
Label: Nukleuz
Format: 2 x CD
Genre: Hard Dance
Well, its been a while since I've upped a review on here, so what better way to get back into the swing of it than with some musical pornography?!! I think we're pretty accustomed to the Nukleuz camp dishing out not only some of the best tracks around, but also some pretty wicked mix cd's. With Nukleuz DJ's Lisa Pin-Up and Caroline Banx this time taking to the platters that matter, we're given something that really doesn't fail to keep up with its predecessors... and at the same time, should probably be given an award for the most amount of profane track titles on a compilation!
CD 1: Mixed by Lisa Pin-Up
Like she really needs any introduction... Lisa is one of the UK's highest ranking female DJ's. She offers a catalogue of tunes under her belt, countless sets across the globe, and some pretty nice photo sets too! She is a name and figure in the hard dance scene that is instantly recognizeable. Is that enough for you? Well, pop this cd in the player and you'll be able to witness for yourself that it's not only those Pin-Up looks that guarantee a packed out crowd every time she plays. Lisa's mix is a wide and varied selection of hard dance as we know it, ranging through from cheeky hard house, to chugging techno, and blazing hard trance! Gems to look out for include Tomo & Tuffcub's 'Ace!', the Rowland & Wright Remix of Jobabe's 'Getting Hot', Rundell & Maddox 'Everybody's Hardcore', and of course the classic 'Please F**k Me' by BK. If you're not bouncing around the room upbeat stylee, then you're dragging your chin off the floor and chucking your arms in the air. Madness I tell thee!
CD 2: Mixed by Caroline Banx
Well, just in case you've been hiding under a rather large rock, or your agoraphobia has been playing up somewhat... Caroline is a rising star that's been giving pretty much every DJ a good run for their money. The Mixmag Future Heroes nominee is a Sundissential resident, has played at pretty much every major event across London and the rest of the UK and, like Lisa, is... also rather pleasing to the eye! That aside, it's her skill to mix it up that we're focusing on here, and pleasing that is too!! Caroline smacks it out from the word go, and doesn't let up for the next 77 minutes, showing that the only thing more hardcore is... hardcore! The mixing faultlessly glides from one track to another with an unforgiving punishment that can only be described as "pleasurable"... oh my! Take tracks such as 'Overdrive' by Knuckleheads & Dynamic Intervention, the Justin Bourne Remix of Mark Kavanagh's 'Charlatan', Scott Cooper & Ali Wilson 'Disease', and the brilliant 'Coming Up' by James Lawson & Andy Farley, and wind them together with seamless turntable teasing... that is Caroline Banx's mix!! Outstanding stuff!
Release Date: 22nd March, 2004
Full Tracklisting
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For details on DJ / Production / Remix bookings, please contact Scottie on the above e-mail address, or by phone on 07984 348 857.
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