Nick Rafferty & The Coalition
» U (Sundissential 3 Album Sampler)
Reviewed by Scottie
/ Submitted 09-10-03 23:34
Label: Nukleuz
Format: 12" Vinyl
Genre: Hard House / Hard Trance
Well you just know when a hard dance mix cd comes out that there's gonna be some vinyl accompanying it along the way. Now considering it's the Sundissential 3 album in question, it wouldn't really be fair if this release wasn't by one of the SS residents... one that mixed half the album infact. Step forward Nick Rafferty! Nick joins forces with the music making machines that are Nick Rowland & Dave Wright (a.k.a. The Coalition) and.. well.. here it is.....
Original Mix
Not being content with already owning a dozen or so aliases, the Birmingam boys add a new mantle to the collection - 'The Coalition'. They tell me it's cuz "Nick Rafferty And Rowland & Wright" was a bit of a mouthful.... I can see that! Anyway, new name, new collaboration, but does it actually produce the goods? Indeed it does! Stomping from the word go, this little gem is gonna have you doing all sorts of nasty things in your pants. Thumping kicks, grinding basslines, crystal clear percussion and dirty little 303's. Yummy! Smack on top of that some pulsing leads for good measure, reverbed synths, streaming acid-lines, and one filthy hard riff and you're gonna be needing to stock up on the kleenex!! Also with the superb and stunning Jobabe supplying the vocals, this is quite rightly gonna be an anthem!
Rowland & Wright Remix
Well already having a hand in the Original Mix, the boys decided they'd try giving it the ol' remix treatment aswell. Very good of them I say! You gotta be impressed with what these lads have achieved so far. In the past year or so, we've seen many a new face come into the scene, and sadly for quite a few they've disappeared without a trace. Not so for Nick & Dave though. They've made tune after tune of original material, collaborated with countless established producers, endless amounts of remixes and generally shown themselves as a force to be reckoned with.... and so is this track! Pounding, relentless, full on, pick a description! Stomping kicks, crisp filtered hi-hats, galloping basslines, and narcotic acid-lines. This track is controlled chaos, and oh how fun it is! Smoldering fx, spliced vocals, gritty stabs, need I say more?! Chuck in a gutwrenchingly dirty synthline, wrap it all up with the production quality that these boys have made a name for themselves with, and you have yourself a sure fire winner!!
Release Date: 27th October, 2003
(promo's available from 13th October)
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