Since he first started DJing at the tender age of 16, James ‘Sterling’ Moss has worked hard to put himself at the forefront of the dance music scene, producing, promoting and running his own label Racetrax. One of the first to mix on three decks, he’s now pushing musical boundaries as part of The Boardroom - a Shoreditch-based electro-techno collective who’ve captured the attention of the likes of Andrew Weatherall and Sven Vath. With a couple of Boardroom gigs coming up and a rare three decks, FX and 909 set headlining the techno room at next month’s Psychedelic Academy on 4 May, we flagged down this boy racer for a rare pit stop…
You were last featured on HarderFaster in June 2006. What’s been happening in the world of James ‘Sterling’ Moss over the last couple of years?
Lots and lots…. As well as running my label Racetrax and DJing as Sterling Moss, I have also become an Executive Member of The Boardroom (more on that later). Moreover I’ve finally got round to working on an album, which really expands on everything I’ve ever learnt through my lifelong musical progression. I’ve managed to get some amazing vocalists and instrumentalists involved, and write some fantastic music that isn’t confined by any constraints. This is by no means a Sterling Moss project, but something entirely different altogether — although judging by the time span involved in the working process maybe have up to a year to go on the production, but when it’s finished, hold on to your hats…
For the noobie clubbers reading this who don’t know you, how did you first get into playing and making music?
Long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, I threw some parties with some guys who were affiliated to Universe (Tribal Gathering, Final Frontier). I guess after realising that there were gaps in the musical programming for the style I wanted to hear, I knew I had to sort it out and get myself a set of decks. Truth be told the day I was supposed to pick up my decks on order, I had passed out in a pub toilet after one too many jars of ale… rock and roll start to my DJ career! Fast forward a few years and after working in Kinetec in the Oxford Circus days, I managed to get some studio time with Ant — who was in their studio day to day — and never looked back.
Who were your biggest musical influences growing up? And now?
Y’know before I got into dance music I listened to a load of funk and soul while I was growing up. I guess that’s why I always have leaned towards the funkier side of techno — it’s gotta have groove! It’s strange now because I wouldn’t say there is newer stuff that influences me, but I still go back to unearth tracks from forty years ago that blow my mind and creatively inspire me.
Your label Racetrax has been going for a while now and released some awesome tracks. How has it weathered the storm brought on by the recent prevalence of digital downloading and filesharing?
We’ve been surviving until our distributor Amato went bust a couple of months ago. Think it’s hard times all round at the moment, that’s no secret. You can only take so many kicks in the nuts financially before you give in, and I guess ultimately, no matter how much I hate to say it, but digital will ultimately be the way to go — simply because there will be no avenues left for us to produce the vinyl.
Now I’ve been pretty adamant that I would support vinyl as long as there were people buying it, so until now I’ve only been producing vinyl, as I wanted to concentrate any sales left into supporting the scene. But I’m definitely having to rethink now as I’ve got a ton of tracks waiting to go, but no way to get them out…
I’m proud of where I’ve got to with the label so far and had a great range of artists on board with for collaborations, as well as king pins such as Carl Cox and Yoji Biomehanika pushing the sound, so I just need to rework the strategy. Keep your eye on for more details.
Since you were interviewed as part of Benz’s ‘Production Masterclass’ series in 2005, both the technology you use in the studio and also to play live had no doubt changed and evolved. What software and hardware do you use both in and out of the studio these days?
The core of my studio is a big Mac fully loaded with lettuce, pickles, special sauce, all that jazz. I run Logic as it’s the discernable gentleman’s choice. Of course I have a load of onboard stuff, but also like to get down and dirty with a load of my dusty friends — the hardware.
For the kit freaks, synths/drums include: Roland 909, 727, 303, 101, Juno 6, Prophet 5, Virus B, Nord Lead 2, Arp Odyssey, Korg Prophecy, Supernova, TX81Z, Circuit Bent Speak & Read / Speak & Math all running through a Mackie desk. As well as this, there’s effects, analogue sequencers, mikes, lava lamps etc. etc. but I won’t bore you with the finer details.
Out of the studio and on the road I still use loads of decks, FX, drum machines blah blah, but these days I pay a family of refugees to operate everything for me while I have a quiet beer at the bar.
You’re an official programmer for Roland Synthesisers, what does this involve?
I was approached by one of the guys who worked on the design of the MC-909 a couple of years ago when I was DJing in Japan. I guess he knew I took a vintage TR-909 drum machine out on the road with me to do some live programming while I DJ, and asked me if I would be interested programming some sounds and loops for their latest MC-909, as I’d been supporting them all this time. I thought it was a bit of an honour to be asked and so of course graciously agreed! I have worked twice with them on sound and loop design for the MC-909, and get a nice Christmas card every year from the great chaps over at Roland Japan in Hamamatsu, even though they don’t celebrate Christmas!
You’ve played some amazing gigs over the years, including having a six-year residency at Dance Valley/HQ, the 25,000 Impulz party in the Netherlands and the 100,000 Energy Parade in Argentina. What’s been your favourite gig and why?
Difficult to say.… There have been some amazing parties all over, with highlights in Japan, Holland, Argentina, South Africa, Poland, Germany and of course London! Some of the Tribals and Laboratorys I’ve worked on have been a real accomplishment, as it’s not only building the event but playing as well, and being with a great team — all those factors can definitely make up a great experience.
The first time I saw you play was almost five years ago at the awesome Heat back2front party at Turnmills — a phenomenal gig! In my review on here I described your set in the techno room as follows: “this turntable rocker gathered no moss and all his glitter was indeed gold from his supersonic cross fading to his quick silver scratching, this man alone was worth the door charge. I was stunned into silence (and believe me that’s a rare thing…) as the woofers and tweeters rained down tech beats that turned us into a nation of dance zombies all stompin to the likes of Axiom, produced by Apex Records’ Strobe and Moss himself, Remix01 off the Raw label, and Jak1, a hellraising track of Moss’s from Pimp Records.” How would you say your sound had progressed over the years? And how would you describe it now?
I’ve always tried to keep myself busy behind the decks as I get bored easily if I haven’t got anything to do — I guess this is why I started adding extra turntables, FX and drum machines so I could work all the time to sculpt a unique sound, rather than just standing there, playing records and waving my arms about. I also didn’t want to just be restricted by what the records were saying so looked for ways to overlay and alter the ideas…
I still work to create this where I’m trying to mould new grooves live, while keeping things snappy and dynamic. I like to brew up a storm and when the crowd is least expecting it, grab a lightening bolt that’s shooting overhead and slam it straight down into the mixer.
You’ve collaborated with some of the biggest names in dance music and produced some incredible tracks. What collaboration sticks in your mind the most and is there anyone out there you haven’t worked with yet that you’d really like to?
Again that’s hard to pin down exactly, but I’ve been doing some fantastic stuff with Paul Janes — Racetrax 11 is still getting a thorough caning from me; I’ve been doing some great tracks with Chris Liberator recently and everything I’ve been working on through The Boardroom hits new heights with each new project.
Who would I like to work with? Well I think there was a track out called ‘James Brown’s Not Dead’, but he blatantly is, and well mouldy by now. I think that’s that one out of the window…
In 2005 you decided to drop the name you’d DJ’d and produced under for years — Sterling Moss — and use your real name, James. However I can see from the Psychedelic Academy 5 flyer that you’re back to using ‘Sterling’ again. Why the name ‘Sterling’ Moss? And is ‘Sterling’ back for good or just making a guest appearance at Brixton Academy? Were you worried there’d be some confusion with the gospel singer James Moss, lol!
I never knew there was a gospel singer called James Moss, but maybe I can draft him in for a Moss vs Moss live set! I’ve started using Sterling Moss again as people know the type of sound I’ll be playing — slamming techno! I’ve reserved James Moss for my Boardroom activities, as it’s a slightly different sound, and there’ll be a different name for the album project, as it’s not related to James or Sterling.
You’re renowned for your superb technical skills, both playing live with three decks, FX and a drum machine and working on productions. What do you think of DJs these days who don’t actually learn to mix vinyl or even CDs and go straight to playing off a laptop? Do you reckon it’s possible to be a good DJ if you just look like you’re standing checking your email for the time you’re on stage?
I think as long as you can rock it in a cool and constructive way, do what you need to do. I personally like vinyl as there is a slightly wider frequency range than digital and also I can lob them at people if I don’t like their dancing.
Sterling Moss in Tokyo
Having been mixing vinyl since you were 16 years old, you’ve been playing for almost half your life now and in that time you’ve always been into pioneering new sounds and pushing dance music to new limits. What key changes have you seen in the dance scene over the years? And where would you like to see it going in the future?
I’ve seen over-specification kill off a lot of the cross pollination I used to really enjoy. People seem too wrapped up in trying to emulate a specific genre without letting their minds run free. I think it’s time for a revolution — who’s gonna be brave enough to throw a petrol bomb through the window of dance? I’m watching with interest…
In 2006 you re-launched your night Tribal with Tony Heward and I distinctly remember limping for weeks afterwards after bouncing up and down to the likes of yourself, Ed Real, Adam Lab4 and Yoji Biomehanika’s techno set on Hidden’s concrete floor in my flip-flops on a humid June evening. The combination of such a top line-up with Tribal’s incredible décor made it one of the best nights in London — is there any chance of another Tribal party any time in the near future? Surely it’s high time that décor got another airing?!
It’s true Tony’s décor is a entity unto itself. That guy produced everything by hand, even dry curing his wooden tables over the years to get the right effect. Amazing. I’m really proud of what we did at Tribal, putting on a big mishmash of artists before it was cool to do so. Going back as far as 2000 we were putting on techno giants such as Chris Liberator, Ignition Technician, D.A.V.E. The Drummer and Thomas Heckman alongside hard dance heavyweights like Yoji, Lab4, Andy Farley, BK, Ian M and Karim, but everyone had the opportunity to play something they might not usually play and somehow that bit of musical freedom gave it the extra edge. Also with Alex Patterson from the Orb as our resident in Room 2 in the early days, and guests like Lee Coombs from Finger Lickin’, I look back and think we got something right, but maybe we were just a little ahead of our time. Yeah it would be great to do another party, but maybe it will reform and mutate into a different shape — who knows!
Your techno anthem ‘R.E.S.P.E.C.T.’ reached No.33 in the charts, yet you’re proud of always retaining your ‘underground’ credibility. With artists now taking more control over the way their music is produced, distributed and promoted than ever before, do you think the lines between ‘commercial’ and ‘underground’ are getting more blurred? Do you think it’s now going to be easier for underground artists to get ahead or is it just going to be more competitive?
It is hard for underground artists to survive at the moment, whereas before you could be ticking over with some decent productions, now the market is dwindling away to nothing. It seems that releasing music is only a means to promote yourself these days. Why d’you think Madonna’s latest record deal includes her touring and merchandising? Because there is less and less money in selling music these days. C’est la vie. So yes it’s competitive, let’s hope it doesn’t come to getting your switchblades out to fight for the next gig.
The Boardroom
It says on your MySpace that you’ve got a Boardroom residency, which all sounds very corporate! Could you please explain what a Boardroom residency is and what it involves?
Well The Boardroom is a London Shoreditch studio/live collective of which I am part, producing and performing under various guises/noms de guerre, willful and sophisticated electro-techno. Our sets comprise of decks, DJs, keyboards, guitars, vocals and all manner of odd equipment; a dark musical journey for your mind that your feet just won’t stop moving to. The collective have been involved in many releases on various labels including Klang Elektronik, Playhouse, Kill the DJ and The Rotters Golf Club. Live performances have recently rocked strongholds such as The Panorama Bar in Berlin and Culture Box in Copenhagen, and the music currently holds support with Andrew Weatherall, Sven Vath and Ivan Smagghe amongst others.
The Boardroom is bassed (sic) around a collaborative studio bunker virtually in London. It is not really a band, rather a brand of a place at a given time. It is made up of various collaborating individuals that form groups and executives.
The Boardroom has taken up residency at Voltage @ Platinum, Paul St, Shoreditch, for the third Saturdays of the month, where we host a floor, and flex a variety of live and DJ skills for your aural pleasure — the next party is on April 19th.
We are also doing a live gig at East Village, Great Eastern Street, Shoreditch on Thursday 10th of April to celebrate the launch of Andrew Weatherall’s new mix CD ‘Watch the Ride’ on Harmless Records. It features a track I worked on — ‘The Legacy’ by E.S.C. (another Boardroom tune). Weatherall himself will obviously also be taking care of deck duty so expect an absolute corker. Get there early — we are expecting a roadblock as it’s free!
You’ve played alongside some of the greatest DJs of our times. Who do you think are the best DJs around at the moment? What do you think differentiates a great DJ from a good DJ?
It takes a lot from a DJ these days to really catch my ear, as I want to hear something different that interests and moves me. Technically I’ve always like going to see Dave Clarke play — catch him on a good day and he’ll rip it to pieces. To get from good to great though isn’t enough. I’ve seen some great DJs, but wouldn’t necessarily go and see them again. It’s that’s little sparkle of magic that transcends greatness, that’s what I look for. Maybe you’ve got it or you don’t and sometimes all the practise in the world won’t take you over that edge. That ‘s why you get people like Jimi Hendrix — he’s not great, he’s something else altogether…
What up and coming DJs and producers would you like to see break through this year?
If you’re into some more sophisticated techno/electro keep your eye on all members of The Boardroom collective — good stuff to come. For the tougher end, Hardasfunk bust out some great trax. Other than that I need some new stuff sent to me, so DJs and producers get sending!!
You run your own Sound Lab studio. What productions do you have on the go at the moment? And are there any in the pipeline you can tell us about yet?
I am sitting on a ton of tracks at the moment that need homes, but these are in direct pipage: three tracks already on the market recently are my collaborations with Chris Liberator on Yolk, Maximum Minimum and Polymeric. More to come with Chris on that tip. Some new funked up goods with Paul Janes are in the pipeline for Hardasfunk. There’s some Boardroom output with E.S.C.’s ‘The Legacy’ to appear shortly featuring an Andrew Weatherall remix (which appears on his latest ‘Watch The Ride’ compilation) as well as an E.S.C. remix of Two Lone Swordsmen’s ‘Shack 54’ to appear for Rotters Golf Club soon.
You’ve played at some of the biggest festivals in the world. If you could put on your perfect party with a dream line-up, where would it be and who would play?
Club UK, Wandsworth, R.I.P.
1995 sets from Cox, Hawtin, Vath, Dag, Clarke, Mills et al.; support from the Chemical Brothers and Daft Punk DJ sets in the side room. Basically the same as an average night at Final Frontier back in the day!
Sterling Moss @ Brixton Academy by Buddha
On May 4th you’re going to be playing a rare London techno set, headlining the techno room at Psychedelic Academy using three decks, FX and a 909. Having been an instrumental part of the huge sell-out Laboratory party at Brixton Academy, it must be good to be returning to what many consider dance music’s spiritual home. What can readers expect from your set at Brixton Academy? And why should those who’ve never seen you play before come and check it out?
I’m really looking forward to the party as it’s got a great line-up, and there’s always a great crowd there. I’ve already started working on some special edits for the event as well, so there’ll be some exclusive material to throw down alongside all the new tracks I’ve been working on. I’m gonna be pulling out all the stops for this to slam together a diverse electric set — get ready cause there’s gonna be some full throttle action!
Antiworld In Collaboration With Coast II Coast Present:
Psychedelic Academy 005
Bank Holiday Sunday 04th May 2008
Blast Off : 09.00pm - Re-Entry : 06.00am (Plus After Hour)
@ Brixton Academy
211 Stockwell Road
London SW9 9SL / London / UK!
Download The Full Resolution Flier & Poster Here
4500 Capacity Venue!
4 Rooms Of Music!
4 International Live Acts!
Psytrance Euphoria Album Launch!
The Best Sound System!
Massive Lighting And Laser Show!
The Biggest Venue In London!
Infected Mushroom Live (Full Band Live Show With 5 Members)
Full Band Members:
Amit Duvdevani (Singer)
Erez Eisen (Keyboards)
Rogerio Jardim (Drums)
Tommy Cunningham (Guitar)
Erez Netz (Guitar)!!!
Astrix Live!!!
Eskimo Live!!!
John 00 Fleming (Psytrance Euphoria / 00.db Album Launch)!!!
Chris Liberator!!!
Sterling Moss!!!
& Many Many More!!!
Main Stage:
Hosted By : Antiworld In Collaboration With Coast II Coast:
Music Style :
Psychedelic Trance, Future Music,
Psychedelic Rock, Psychedelic Hard Dance!!!
Matt Loraine Vs Andi Leppard
Metaphase Vs Zeus
Nicki S Vs Nick Sentience Live
John 00 Fleming (Psytrance Euphoria / 00.db Album Launch)
Astrix Live
Infected Mushroom Live Feat:
Full Band Members:
Amit Duvdevani (Singer)
Erez Eisen (Keyboards)
Rogerio Jardim (Drums)
Tommy Cunningham (Guitar)
Erez Netz (Guitar)!!!
Eskimo Live
Kristian Vs Muestik (Swisse)
Sutekh Vs Gaba (Brazil)
Second Room:
Hosted By : Julian Gas & Friends....
Music Style : London Techno & Acid Techno:
Ross Eden Vs Roo
Sati Vs Kito (Carnage)
Joakim Aka Van Bass Vs Errol Dix (Technoelement / Austria)
Sterling Moss "3 Dex,FX,909 Racetrax Boss"
Chris Liberator Vs Julian Gas (Maximum Minimum / Antiworld)
Third Room:
Hosted By : Zelophobia Party
Music Style : Minimal Techno
Raffaella Vs Kristina
Mikelangelo Vs D.A.M Mast
Diego cK (cK Family)
Felipe Moura (Brazil)
Nic & Kaleb (AS IF)
Fourth Room:
Hosted By : Heavyweight Events
Music Style : House & Electro With Brazilian Vibe!
Billy Allen (Bleed)
Danny Stamp (System)
Wesley Razzy (Mango / Reading)
Alex Acuna (City Drive & Get Diverted / Mexico)
Emoticon (High Rollers)
Wonky Badger (High Rollers)
Neil Pepi (Breaks Set)
Psychedelic Academy has returned!! As you all know it is the only Psy Party
happening at The Colossal Brixton Academy and the only event to bring our
favourite acts on the same line up!
This event will occur on Sunday Bank Holiday 04th Of May 2008
and the production will be Bigger and Better than the 4 previous times!!!
We will also launch (Psytrance Euphoria / 00.db Album Launch)
from John 00 Fleming..!
Chris Liberator (Techno God) is coming back to play in the Techno Room!
Loads more to be announced soon so keep looking at our web sites….
Antiworld has 150 tickets available as compensation for 777 Festival goers as a thank you for their understanding and continued support. If you want more information regarding these tickets, visit our website, email us on
or click here
Also you can call us direct on +447793219497
Tickets On Sale Now On
Direct Link Please Click Here
Antiworld Production For This Event Will Be:
Sound = Greg The Sound Man =
Lighting = Halo Live =
Lasers = Nexus =
3D Decors = Orchid House =
Model Designer : Keko Hainswheeler :
Artwork By : Psyborg :
Words By : Nastia :
Photos By : Miss Vickie & Daf
Ticket Prices:
£ 20.00 + BF = Sold Out!
£ 25.00 + BF = Selling Now Til April 01
£ 30.00 + BF = From April 01 to May 01
(All While Stock Last)!!!
More Thereafter....
From: Mizz_behavinon 9th Apr 2008 08:28.40 Brilliant interview, cannot wait for his set Roll on Psy Academy
From: antiworldon 9th Apr 2008 09:56.13 fantastic interview and his set at the academy will be amazing followed by mr liberator....could this get any better?
see you all there/////
From: Neatson 9th Apr 2008 10:09.57 great interview! Boardroom sounds very interested indeed!
From: kevon 9th Apr 2008 13:19.19 A superb interview. It's not often I read a whole one...
From: AVFXon 10th Apr 2008 01:17.43 Wicked bro
wish ya all the luck in the world in your art
From: carl nicholsonon 11th Apr 2008 14:19.49 Top Top Geezer!!! respecccccccccccc fella!
From: Hannah Wildon 18th Apr 2008 13:30.41 I remember a good few years back James throwing his toys out of the pram cuz Maitland and I had a tune called Mainframe .... LOL
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