Welcome to part one of three interviews in the lead up to this year's International Breakbeat Awards. The three interviews will showcase the headliners of the official afterparty, whilst the awards line up is still currently under wraps.
I met up with the legend that is Rennie Pilgrem during his day at the studio, slightly nervous as the last time we saw each other I was getting into trouble whilst under the influence of absinthe, but that's another story! However, all is good as I get away without even a mention of this! Phew!
Rennie’s background
Rennie is one of the godfathers of breaks, end of! He is probably known to most as head honcho of TCR Records, however his career has seen him do everything from playing the tenor saxophone in his father’s band, form his own bands along the years, dj all over the world, write film scores, produce hit tunes and remix for the best including BT, Timo Maas and many more. Having done all this and racked up numerous awards, he still has his feet firmly on the ground.
Rennie can regularly be seen playing out across the world, with a residency at Agatha in Rome and also at HUM in London. Over the last year has racked up numerous dates including UK appearances at Fabric and the Glade Festival.
So with the history out of the way I get down to asking the all important questions to the man himself.
Rennie Pilgrem
How does it make you feel to have won ‘Outstanding Contribution’ to breaks for 3 years running at the Breakspoll Awards?
I feel very proud. It’s a great recognition and a nice accolade that the voters have shown me this respect.
So who gets your vote for outstanding contribution to breakbeat now that you are sponsoring the event rather than in the running?
Definitely Ellis Dee — this guy was the one responsible for me being introduced to breakbeat. He is one of the pioneers of the breaks scene in this country, bringing breaks through from house.
Many of the up and coming producers must look towards you as one of their heroes, so who do you look up to (either dead or alive)?
Prince and Miles Davis.
Where do you see breaks moving to in 2006?
I’d like to see more funky and proper breaks — in the sense that it is less programmed and with more dirty beats.
Do you see breaks crossing over into the mainstream?
I don’t see it crossing over, it’s a bit like drum and bass, both are successful in their own right in the underground scene, to the extent that breaks doesn’t really need to go mainstream.
TCR finally reached its 100th release at the end of 2005, so what can we expect in 2006?
More of me! I am currently working on my new artist album which although still electronic will have much more of a live feel to it.
You have your own night called HUM, for those not in the know, what is HUM all about?
HUM is all about presenting the finest flavours of breaks in a dirty warehouse space.
Tell us more about your live act, Rennie Pilgrem’s TCR Allstars. Why have you decided to set up a dance band?
I have a very musical background. The live act gives me the opportunity to present my music on the road and to be more creative that just putting vinyl on the decks. I get a real buzz from playing live in front of the crowd. It’s also a great opportunity to keep it all fresh and exciting for both the crowd and myself.
[The band is made up of Rennie Pilgrem (keyboard), MC Chickaboo (vocals), Richard Thair (drums), William South (Bass/Keyboards) and Chris Carter (Guitars/Percussion)]
Rennie Pilgrem’s TCR Allstars
Where is the weirdest place you have played out?
Dubai! It was one of the last places I expected to be booked to play breaks. It’s mad, you play your set in the grounds of a posh hotel with a load of ex-pats having it whilst surrounded by camels, desert and sandstorms!
Where do you stand in the argument between vinyl and mp3, by that I mean do you support the use of mp3?
I think that if a DJ is going to use mp3s they need to ensure they are of the highest quality. I feel that vinyl has a warmer sound to it and I tend to play most of my sets using a combination of CD and vinyl.
I would hate to see vinyl die out after all these years just because people are too lazy to carry around a box of records.
Has it ever gone wrong beyond control during a set?
Well not with my set. I did have my gig cancelled once during one of my first few visits to America. A mass brawl between about 200 people broke out during my set and the promoters had to pull the plug on the whole thing.
Who is your favourite DJ right now?
That’s a tough one… I would have to say Andrea Lai from Agatha in Italy.
How many records do you own?
Probably somewhere in the region of 5000 – 6000
Tell us something we don’t know about you.
I only have 3 testicles!
What have you got playing on your home stereo at the moment?
Brian Eno’s new album, ‘Another Day on Earth’.
You are stuck on a desert island, which 2 DJs would you be glad to have stuck on the island with you and why?
Ellis Dee so I could take the p*ss out of him and Klaus ‘Heavyweight’ Hill so when we got bored of the island we could turn him into a boat and sail away on him!!!
Tell us a secret about a fellow breakbeat DJ.
If I told you it wouldn’t be a secret now would it!
What made you choose Thursday over all the other days of the week for the name of your record label?
Thursday was the day that me and the lads used to go out and get p*ssed up, we called it ‘The Thursday Club’, so it seemed apt to take on the name for the label.
What can we expect from your set at Breaking Ground?
I haven’t made up my mind as yet, however I am tempted to include a few classics in there. I played a classics breaks set at Fabric on New Year’s Eve and think I may do something along those lines again.
All images courtesy of TCR. Not to be reproduced without permission.
Leyline presents Breaking Ground: The Official Breakspoll Aftershow All-Nighter
Main Room
Freq Nasty Rennie Pilgrem with MC Chickaboo
The Teamplayers (Live): feat Aquasky, UK Apache, Spyda, The Ragga Twins & Ban Jyang
Splitloop (Live)
Will Saul
Precision Cuts
Room 2: Bassline Breaks
Pendulum (Breaks Set)
Deekline and Wizard with MC Ivory
Deep Impact with Screwface
Room 3: International Breaks
Danny Mac Klaus \\\\\\\'Heavyweight\\\\\\\' Hill
Simon Paul vs Sgt Rock
Madox vs Santos
Cedric Benoit
From: benzon 19th Jan 2006 14:13.47 absolute fucking winner
TCR Allstars are one of the best live acts I'vwe ever seen
can't wait for Breakspoll
From: steelo kuchikion 19th Jan 2006 14:53.37 in the mix, wicked interview
From: ~deleted1390on 19th Jan 2006 16:25.13 Have some of his early stuff from when I first started playing.
The man is a breaks legend.
From: Hankyon 19th Jan 2006 16:36.23 This guy is a legend in his own lunchtime. Ive seen him at fabric and blowpop, and he blows my mind ever time
From: voodoobasson 21st Jan 2006 13:47.09 Good to see more Breaks content on HF but minus several million kudos points for mis-spelling the name of Miles Davis
Pedantry aside, well done!
From: allstarson 21st Jan 2006 21:54.24 I am sure you can forgive me for one spelling mistake! it was a busy day of interviews, airports and clubbing!
Next interview is going to be with Pendulum with a 3rd planned!
From: Pacmanon 23rd Jan 2006 19:47.53 I like his wee tufty beard thingey.
From: HarderFaster Editorialon 23rd Jan 2006 22:06.25 Ooops my bad sorry! I always argue that being a terrible speller makes for a good editor as you double-check everything, but sometimes things just slip through.... I actually have some Miles Davis records back home in NZ, but haven't played them for quite a while now.
Thanks for the feedback VB and sorry to miss the typo Rob. Looking forward to your interview with Pendulum where I will be sure to double-check everything!
From: shookoneon 24th Jan 2006 14:21.57 If anyone wants to catch Rennie playing before the Breakspoll Awards he will be joining the Disposable Djs at Blow on Wed 25th January @ Inigo in Clapham for their monthly Blow sessions... 9pm-2am - FREE ENTRY!
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