Reported by Craig Paxton
Submitted 01-06-04 09:54
Danny Gilligan is well known in the London Hard Dance scene for his effervescent personality just as much so as his trade-mark driving, high energy sets. With monthly residencies at some of London's major promotions including Riot, Twisted and Blast combined with his weekly residency at Twist, if you haven't heard one of Danny's sets then you obviously haven't been out in a while! Recent forays into the production world include collaborations with both Todd Tobias and Ali Wilson on Peroxide records and more recently his collaborations with Ingo on Vacuum Tracks featuring the massively popular "Kill Bill" which was also signed to Andy Farley's compilation "Music for the Harder Generation". I caught up with Harder Faster's resident of the year for 2003, to find out how he got to where he is and where he plans to go in 2004.
Craig Paxton: So Danny, give us a bit of background information, what inspired you to get into DJ'ing?
Danny Gilligan: I have now been DJ'ing for nearly four years, my passion for the scene was born when I first attended the Camden Palace, the music I heard that night was amazing and from that moment on I was sold. Seeing the energy the DJ was creating in the tunes he was playing was very inspiring, watching DJ's like Phil Reynolds, Andy Farley, Ian M have really allowed me to create my style, I have combined elements of the three named above to create what my true sound is all about. Also attending between two and five clubs a week as a punter really helped me to seek the knowledge I required in order to create the opportunities in this very competitive scene, it has been fun all the way though that's for sure.
CP: The London scene is notoriously hard to crack with all of the competition from so many competent DJ's on the circuit and rumour has it that you have never done a demo CD? Is this true and if so, how have you made yourself such a regular fixture at so many of London's top promotions?
DG: Our scene is more competitive than ever, most clubber's households own a set of decks where the majority of people know how to mix. It is like a progression though you start out clubbing then find yourself getting into the culture, 'clubbing is a culture' before you know it you have brought a set of decks and are buying tunes every week and your on the path to wanting to become a DJ. Most people work hard on mix demo's and I have seen some great examples over the last year for example Simon Rutherford, Ben Stevens and Donna Birt have put out some great examples of what a demo should be, the presentation is very professional (respect guys!) However maybe I am the exception to the rule here...I have never put out a demo, you may think wtf? But I just have never been happy with one to date however that is about to change people, I am currently working on a demo that will represent my sound and creativity in the mix, it will hopefully be worth all the effort I am putting into getting it right. The reason why I have become so hard to please is because I see the standard around me is very high and I just won't put something out that isn't up to the calibre which is fair enough at the end of the day. You may think well how have you got your sets over the years? DG: to that is pretty simple, it's all about networking and meeting people, the right people, establishing a good solid relationship with promoters is key to creating opportunities. I have to give a special mention to Ed Real here for seeing in me a passion in what I do similar to how he feels about what he does himself, big thanks to you mate for having faith in me, we havent looked back since and am looking forward to the future! On the whole though I have been lucky enough to persuade promoters to give me a chance and more often than not I have provided a good decent set for them and in return I have won their trust and now the promoter has no problem booking me again as they know what I am all bout and what I can do.
CP: Riot, Twisted, Blast and Twist. Four major players in the London scene and you currently hold residencies at all of them. Residencies are normally pretty hard to come by but it seems to have been reasonably easy for you. What is it that you offer promoters that makes you such a good acquisition? Do you feel that this dilutes your market appeal? Do you offer something different to every promotion?
DG: I feel so lucky and happy I.M.O to hold the best set of residencies in the country, each one is very different but all are very close to my heart, I hold a very good relationship with each of the promoters and now have some amazing friends in each of them. Getting out there and putting yourself into situations where you are going to meet people and get noticed are what it's all about 'you create your own luck' is a motto I refer to a lot as is 'doors open doors open doors' what this bares down to is do you have vision of what you want to achieve and are you committed enough to getting exactly what you see and want? Having four top residencies in London like I do means I do not have to play any other promotions in London. I have made a big effort this year to concentrate on just my residencies and making those parties as good as they can be bringing a different sound o each is imperative I cant play the same stuff at each of them simple reason being is that I wont be offering anything different then so what's the part of having four residencies if you just play the same stuff week in week out? I do offer each party something different for example RIOT! Is a hard house club I play hard house and techno, Twisted is a Hard Dance club but I tend to play Trance there, Blast I play Hard Dance, anything from prime time floor fillers to the classics and finally Twist (one of my fave parties) I have carved out a very euphoric hard but uplifting style - it is one of my most enjoyable styles to play.
CP: It's fair to say that you are a well established regular on the London DJ circuit after recently being voted resident of the year in the HarderFaster polls. When you saw the results, how did that make you feel? Do you have any plans to crack the scene outside London? If so, how do you plan to go about doing that?
DG: Firstly I would like to say as massive thankyou to those people that voted me as 'Resident of the year' in the last poll, I was totally gob smacked, sitting in a internet café in Cape Town I was cruising through HF and I see the results for the poll and was totally shocked to see I had been given top spot (a delighted Danny). In London I have been working hard to get to the forefront of the scene, I was also nominated for the Resident of the year Award for the Mixmag Awards which I was totally chuffed about, I didn't win but just to be part of it and included with the names of DJ's I respect so much was a great feeling. I have had some opportunities playing outside of London, I played at Sundissential last year, I have played at Come in Cheltenham, Super-sexy in Nottingham so I have had a few but my vibe is only just starting to gather pace outside the M25 ;o). I know that as long as I keep giving 100% in what I do whether it is playing to a crowd or making tunes in the studio I will get my opportunities, this year I am going to let my production do the talking ;o)
CP: Who would you say have been your major influences and what have you taken from them to contribute towards your own quest for Hard Dance Domination?
DG: Ed Real, Phil Reynolds, Andy Farley, Nick Sentience and Ian M, Mick, Steve Darragh and all the ravers. as well as my great group of friends have all been my major influences. I have taken the vibes from Ed, advice from Nick, energy from Phil, the darkness from Ian and the skills from Andy to help inspire me on to achieving my goals.
CP: You recently played in South Africa at New Year and have just come back from a flying visit to the States. Can you tell us a little bit more about how that came about and do you have anyother plans for International dates in 2004?
DG: Getting booked to play Xstatic @ The Gallery New Years Eve in Cape Town was amazing, I felt so pleased at being invited over it was almost like recognition for my three years of hard work so far I was smiling from ear to ear when I was asked. Toby Allan who is a well known SA DJ got in touch with me and sorted it all out h has been on tour here a few times so is familiar with the London scene, we also had him play at RIOT for us last year, I ended up playing at The Gallery twice so went home a very happy boy, I hope to go out there in the future! 2004 Has got off to a great start for me as far as international gigs, I recently just got back from San Francisco (USA) where I played an event called 'Gilligans Island' it was great! very raw and very underground, the crowd were so appreciative of my sounnd so I was very pleased. In late July I will be touring Australia with Nick Sentience which I am very very excited about, Nick is a very good friend of mine so think we could have some fun while touring
together. I hope to do some more internationals throughout the year.
CP: Your recent collaborations with Ingo, "Power" and "Kill Bill" have both been going down a storm on the Harder Dance floors around the UK with the latter of the two being signed to the Andy Farley's magnificent compilation "Music for the Harder Generation". You seem to have your own unique sound as a production duo, how did you meet Ingo and how did this style develop? How did it make you feel when you got the call to say that it had been signed to Farley's compilation and what else do you and Ingo have in store for us in 2004?
DG: I met Ingo (Tom) through getting a booking to play at an event called Digital in Lincoln, little did I know that it was Ingo that promoted it with a guy called Jack. Jack explained to me that Tom was available to write a track with if I wanted to, of course I was delighted by this news as production was something I was wanting to get into and of course Ingo's record speaks for itself, it seemed like he was on his way back as well as I just heard 48 hours which was released on Tidy at the time and was suitably impressed. On our first studio date we created Power which is the b side to our track Kill Bill which we did on our second session, we seemed to hit it of straight away in the studio, both working together to create a new sound that crosses between techno and hard house best described as deep, driving and tetchy we seem to have hit the nail on the head with Ingo. We have done another two tracks which will be the follow up to Kill Bill, Nowsthefuckingtime and one other track (un-named as yet) Should be out in a few months hopefully, keep your eyes peeled people ;o) We have had some great success with Kill Bill, Ian M, Farley and BK have all been playing it so we are delighted! One of the best things to happen yet was when Andy Farley recently signed it to his Tidy mix album 'Music for a harder generation 3' as you can imagine I was so excited to hear that he signed it and have to say it was most fullfilling to go into HMV and see my nameon an album in the shops for joe public to go and buy. Ingo and I are doing a London Exclusive b2b @ Twisted Nu School in June dont miss it!
CP: Who else can we expect to see you working with in the studio in 2004? Rumour has it that you have almost finished a track with Hard Dance legend Phil Reynolds. Can you tell us a bit more about your plans in those areas?
DG: I am currently doing tracks with Ali Wilson and Greg Brookman which will be finished in the next two weeks or so, I also have dates with Ingo, and Matt Williams for the near future. I am learning each time I work with someone new and am finding the whole experience very exciting I hope that by the end of the year I will be producing tracks as a solo artist. My most recent track was with Phil Reynolds, I am so excited with what we have done i.m.o it's a real corker and has so much energy, it's a banging hard trancer with a slightly techy edge to it, everywhere I have played it, it has totally gone off! I think Phil is considering it for his forth coming artist album which looks to be very exciting indeed.
CP: As of late, there seems to have been a bit of a lull in the scene. What, in your opinion have been the major contributing factors towards this and how do you see the scene progressing over the next 2 years?
DG: To be fair I don't think there has been a lull at all, yeah some parties have not been getting the numbers they would have liked but on the whole I think the scene is in a fairly good place, there are some very talented new breed DJ/Producers coming through. Producers such as Ingo, Alex Calver, Greg Brookman are really starting to shine. I am really liking what Paul Glazby has done for our scene, the vicious massive have taken hard house to a whole new level with some top quality productions coming out via their labels. It's also fantastic to see leaders like Nick Sentience and BK working on sounds outside of Hard dance, Nick's break beat stuff kicks serious arse and I as well as others are really looking forward to seeing where he takes that. As for the scene and where I see it in 2 years time, well as long as quality productions keep coming and we hold on to our venues there is no reason why we will not continue to stamp our authority that we are here to stay, compared to other genre's of music we have seen pass us by Hard dance feels different I think it is as upbeat as it can get and is definitely here to stay.
CP: Is this something that you can ever see yourself doing as a full-time job or do you think that if it became a profession it may take some of the fun out of it?
DG: Djing and Production 'WILL' be my vocation, I am not here to do this part time or for it to be a hobby, as I have said in a recent interview, I have my goals and I know I will achieve them. Djing and making tracks is so much fun, I can't think of any other job out there where you could have so much fun and have the pleasure of calling it your career or job!
CP: Any words of advice for upcoming DJ's struggling to make the break-through?
DG: Our scene especially in London is over populated with people that want to be DJ's. If you are up and coming it is very hard to get the break you need in order to show what you could do to a packed dance floor. Unless you get right out there and immerse yourself in the scene, meet all the right people and create good relationships with promoters you will just be one of many people with talent but don't get no where. The most important part of DJ'ing though is 'be different' let your imagination run when your on the decks building a set, see the reaction to how you pick and play the records, it is your chance to tell a story with the tunes you have at your finger tips, as someone once said to me 'each note carries an emotion, so when you play its up to you how you make the tunes touch your crowd'.
CP: Tips for 2004:
Ingo - Amazing producer with some top productions coming out this year.
Ed Real is a leader not a follower he has some amazing tunes to come out this year as well as running RIOT!
Donna Birt with recent tours to Oz and NZ Donna is now turning to production, dates with Ingo and Ali Wilson as well as playing main room sets for most Frantic promotions she has done well in a short space of time watch this space.
Ben Stevens - possibly one of the best mixers I have ever heard, the boy packs a punch and I have been so impressed on the few times I have heard him play, nice work fella.
Steve Darragh, Craig, and the Twist collective: I think the effort and energy Steve puts into his events is just amazing, the Twist residents are like one big family as well which is nice to be part of, we all look out for each other.
The Twisted Nu Skool are the brightest stars in extreme dance today. They’re a collection of clubland’s hottest young DJs and producers taking hold of the future of dance music. These people are the bright young things that are taking over, they’re out there – snapping at the heels of the ‘greats’ like little sharks. This is tomorrow’s line up today!
Leading the charge is The Nu Energy LIVE PA - currently one of the most inspirational and mind blowing collectives of Hard Dance DJs and record labels in the UK. Their amazing LIVE show has completely blown all others on the London hard dance scene out of the water – each totally different and down to spontaneous inspiration on the night.
Their debut set will feature a special ‘Twisted’ performance by Vinney - one of London’s most talented dancers. Once again his crazy and energetic character will become the visual point of attention for the LIVE show.
From: Danny Luuon 1st Jun 2004 10:02.12 Keep up the good work Fanny G.
From: onthebasson 1st Jun 2004 11:20.35 Congrats Danny Fanny Looking forward to seeing you play out in Oz very soon. "Why?" is a monster of a tune btw!
From: White Rushon 1st Jun 2004 11:59.02 Nice work....Look foward to seeing you in Melbourne in July will be big!
From: Olly Perrison 1st Jun 2004 15:07.23 Fantastic interview!! keep up the good work Danny!!!
From: Minx!on 1st Jun 2004 17:10.57 Wicked interview you two!!! Keep up the top work Danny, I know you'll go far!!!
From: chrishawkeson 1st Jun 2004 18:30.48 well done mate! an inspiration!
From: cdon 1st Jun 2004 18:42.54 great interview boys -top draw!
From: Red5on 1st Jun 2004 19:51.00 Top dj, top bloke, great answers
Nice interview Mr Paxton
From: Tin Tinon 2nd Jun 2004 08:35.36 Get in Danny Boy! Top work to a top man! i hope that 2004 and on brings you all the success you deserve matey!
From: ~deleted3264on 2nd Jun 2004 08:50.19 Fucken marvellous Interview you two......
From: Biancaon 2nd Jun 2004 09:09.38 Fantastic interview Mr Paxton!
Keep avin it large Danny!
From: babyredon 2nd Jun 2004 09:23.43 Wicked interview Danny! You are a true inspiration to the scene!
From: Syfoonon 2nd Jun 2004 11:03.35 Nice one Danny
From: spangledwenchon 2nd Jun 2004 11:12.12 GTFRI fanny, u've worked hard & it's payin off, keep it up babe xx
From: Trevor McLachlanon 2nd Jun 2004 13:34.41 Great interview guys ... Looking forward to more of your production coming out mate ....
From: Stevieon 2nd Jun 2004 19:01.40 You the man Gilligan, but they are the gayest publicity shots I ever saw in my life :
From: Norris123on 2nd Jun 2004 19:08.25 Nice work Fanny - keep it up.
From: Harry PTon 2nd Jun 2004 20:36.40 Nice one Danny Real LEGEND!!!
From: Bobbi Starron 2nd Jun 2004 20:53.13 Show'em how too do it!
From: shazzabazzaon 3rd Jun 2004 08:46.19 Danny you are a true star in every sense of the word. Gifted and talented behind the decks and a true joy of a friend. it is an honour knowing you and i wish you only good things in a long-standing career. Reach for the stars - you deserve to dance among them!
From: Hannah Wildon 3rd Jun 2004 10:25.38 oi oi! nice one pal! see ya soon....!
From: LOULOU(umustdoya)LINES-SCRASEon 3rd Jun 2004 11:34.37 YA GIDDY GIDDY GILLIGAN! noiiice work dan, ur hard work has certainly paid off. gtfri. x
From: zimboliciouson 3rd Jun 2004 12:40.00 round of to you both!
Mr Paxten and his hidden talents as an interviewer Well Done Danny, been enjoying your sets & your wiked personality since I could remember and heres to the next rocking ones
From: djviticuson 4th Jun 2004 08:52.30 noice one cuz.. good to know we are still raw and underground out here, heh... that weekend was legendary to say the least GTFRI GTFRI and ohh please pass tthe GTFRI. we sure named that party right.. you are a true legend and i thank you for comming out for a little fun in the sun. all the best to you and see you soon bro. already started planning the next one.
From: Danny Gilliganon 4th Jun 2004 17:05.17 Thanks for all the lovely comments peep's its been an interesting journey so far but am loving each and every moment of it! To the Oz massiv ill be seeing you soon for untold amount of largeness!
From: glen gavinon 4th Jun 2004 18:09.27 MASSIVE RESPECT M8 - all the best for the future! you're welcome on the show whenever you want m8. Keep it up and I'll c u in the morning! HA HA!
From: Nikki Son 7th Jun 2004 00:01.15 Danny Fanny nice one. You little leeeeeegend!
Great interview Mr P.
From: Nikki Son 7th Jun 2004 00:02.50 Danny Fanny nice one. You little leeeeeegend!
Great interview Mr P.
From: Janie Macon 7th Jun 2004 09:31.24 Love the piccies Danny ya sexy beast! Grrrrr!! Nice one son, keep it up! Big wet snogs... x
From: little Emon 7th Jun 2004 10:31.54 Well done Danny Boy! I knew you could do it!! SUPER STAR DJ... Not only r u talented at what you do, but you are a truly amazing bloke, who always makes me smile :-) U are a modest,sinceer and honest, and i know you are going further than any one else. Keep up the mixing, keep up the tunes and keep on smiling for you bring sunshine into alot of peoples lives. I am happy u r in my life and that i can call u a friend! Love you loads, big snogs and huggs... Emma x P.S You look so hot in those phohos...Grrrrrrrr! and a big YUMMY as well :-)
From: Simon Rutherfordon 7th Jun 2004 15:45.33 Since that gig at Embryo in 2001 you arranged for us to play b2b you've been somebody I've watched and learnt a helluva lot off mate. Keep up the good work son.
From: miss whiplashon 7th Jun 2004 18:26.22 ...and what a looker too. Love ya work Danny x
From: Hatstaon 7th Jun 2004 22:05.25 Youfarkingreatlegend...niceonedannyfanny
From: Kevin Wildingon 8th Jun 2004 09:08.31 Alright sweet cheeks, looking good! I'd nail you (just don't tell the missus )
From: Stevi Don 8th Jun 2004 15:10.40 GTFRI - NICE DANNY BOY
From: Anastasia_kon 8th Jun 2004 18:43.22 Excellent interview danny, finally got round to reading it. I always love your sets.
From: Robynon 9th Jun 2004 10:59.54 danny .. cant wait to have you down here playin hard @ frantic!!!
the anticipation and buzz goin on down here is incredible .. so until july 16th, i will do my best to talk about you to anyone that listens!! If its anything like my RIOT! experiences, its going to rock their worlds!!
From: Paul Reeveson 12th Jun 2004 21:01.07 nice i-view big fella, yes, both of ya
From: Princess Kon 26th Jul 2004 08:41.35 Great Interview... Its been wicked seeing you bring a little bit of what its all about to Australia. A nice reminder of what its like to GTFRI..... !!
From: sexyminxon 1st Feb 2006 17:29.07 Awesome interview, nice one. What a legend Danny is Well done
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