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Sunday 27th March 2005

Timeless: The 4th Birthday
Send an eFlyer for this event to a friend Include this Event in a Private Message Direct link to this Event
On: Sunday 27th March 2005
At: KOKO [map]

From: 21.00-06.00
Cost: Limited Early Bird Tickets £14+BF Saver Tickets are £17+BF Standard Tickets are £20+BF
Ticket Info: Call 08700 600 100/
Call 07949 618 035/
More: Timeless
The 4th Birthday
Easter Sunday 27th March 2005
Koko Club/ Camden Palace
Nearest Tube: Camden Town / Mornington Crescent

The Koko Club management have given Frantic 100% written confirmation that we can return to what we believe is the UK's greatest venue and our beloved home!

This is the ONE and ONLY underground dance event currently booked into this Palace of Dreams. At present there are NO other clubs booked to use the venue, only live bands and we have no more Frantic dates booked at the venue. This is your ONE and ONLY chance to have it right off in the Palace!!

Out of all the events Frantic run we thought it best that we use our only date at the Palace for a massive 4th Birthday Bash for the UK's biggest Hard House and Trance Classics event, Timeless. For 9 short hours the Palace will ring to the sound of classic after classic, anthem after anthem; tune after tune as we go back in time to the glory days of Frantic at the Camden Palace!

Not only will we be taking you back home where we belong for one night but we will also be taking u back to the music.

To celebrate the 4th Birthday Timeless have put together a line up of the DJs that have helped make Hard House great, playing the tunes that made them heroes to a generation.
Region: London
Music: Trance. Hard Trance. Hard House.
DJ's: Main Room:
Lisa Pinup
The Tidy Boys
Rob Tissera
Paul Glazby
Ed Real
Andy Whitby
Justin Bourne
Cally Gage

Room 2:
Ben Stevens
Garbo B2B Daley
Lucy Fur
Future Sound of Elvis B2B Latex Zebra
Steve Maynard

Who's Going? (173) : ChrisKnight, !CyberMatt!, *charlie*!, *cheeky chick*, *cheeky chick*, *GARBO*, *VaNeSsA*, a_stray, Aga, ajay, anders, andreas, andthensome, aninha, Anthem fairy, arhino112, Asp525, Attack Of The Jowlyhound, BeBe, Ben_and_Shelly, bennett, bennioso, benz, BioVolt, bobbyb, Boy_Racer, Breezercat, budha, bunnykins230, Cally Gage, ClubCasualty, Col B, Colliewobbles, Craig Paxton, crazyclubber66, Daf, Dani T, DanJ, Dark Knight, Davey_Boy, Dean0, DIRTYBITCH, DiscoBiscuits, dizzy*bird, Dommy_Love, dori, Edcase, eduardo herrera, El Capitano Pete, em83, emmahardware, F.I.G.J.A.M, Fia the Great, Fitty_Bag, Frantic Amanda, frantic fan, Franticclubber, Future Sound of Elvis, Ghost_dog, glitter_babe, GMReq, Hard House Lady, Hardcore honey!!, hardhousespongebob, Harry PT, Holly-Ann, huggy_bear, jack micheals[J]KNERCIS, Jailson, jenblake, Jessica Alici, Jumpingrandma julie, kevstera_straymonkey_chopsmurraybeetle, Kiko, kimba_lee, klubkid, kojak, littleraver, Lizzyglowworm, LooSqueezer, Lorenzo Barrero, Lozz, Lucy Fur, Luisika, M.D.A, m@ria, madjojo, marcopilf, Maria, MarkyMark, Matt Church, mental-tessy, milenka, milenkaanalyse, miniclubber, Mira G, Miss Pacman, missfoxypants, Monkey Monkeyson, Moonpatrol, Moysey, MR BANG!, Mr_Sniffles, MrBIG, Neil Farnham, Neil Farnham, Nic_Ola, Nicky Hype, Nixx, nuttony, Opssmitch, p.s., pac-man, Paul Divine, Paul Divine, paul jack, Phil rr, philip linley, Pirka, PirkaMadDog, pj009, Playjohn, polly, RafieG, Rainey, Raj, ravin_player, raving.looney, raving_pixie, Red5, Richard Launch, richbowenuk, Riff and Raff, rogerbj, Saint., SaraS, Sazza777, sexybeckyraver, shelldyke, shelley, Skanky Ho, slutrider, slutriderfroggypeachermimidj shimmerzero tolerance ben, Sonic_chick_Sardoz9, SonikBloo, Sooze, Steve Maynard, stutheflyer, Sue Stripey, tall_tidy_girl, Taty, TheProphet, tidy_known, tinkerbell@play, Toomz, Trance Timmy, Type 1, Uncle John, Uni-Gate, Uni-GateCurruscu, upallnight, vicious, violetskin, Wiggii, WildFruit, Will Frantic, x-ray, x-raymace, Zero Tolerance, ziubas, ~deleted1390, ~deleted5662, ~deleted9412 
HF Photographer: Daf HF Reviewer:
  Sunday 27th March 2005
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