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Friday 29th July 2005

LOGIC Present: The SIXTH Birthday
Send an eFlyer for this event to a friend Include this Event in a Private Message Direct link to this Event
On: Friday 29th July 2005
At: The Fridge [map]

From: 22:00-06:00
Cost: £10 Limited advance tickets, £12, £15, MOTD | NUS & UB40 £10
Ticket Info: Limited advance tickets £10, £12, £15. MOTD
£12 Paying guestlist (1 free for every 10) Email: or call: 07960 750303 or 07913 548250

24 Credit Card Hotline: 08700 600100

Cash Sales:
Maria: 0781 3684399
Kane: 07739 721753
Dave: 07913 548250
Shaf: 07960 750303

Cyberdog - Camden Market
Mad Records - Covent Garden
Swear Shoes: Camden Market
Kinetec - Oxford Circus
Buy Online: Click here to buy tickets
More: Logic return once again to the Mothership of all London venues and our spiritual home - The Fridge, Brixton to celebrate our 6th Birthday in true Logic style !! This will be the first Logic for 5 whole months and we are coming back with one mighty bang!! - We've spent the past few months thinking up new ideas and concepts to make this birthday even better and bigger than the last one. Five months have seemed like an absolute eternity and the crew are very excited about what we have in store. As we have stated so many times before, Logic does not exist to become a thriving business. We limit Logic events to 5 or 6 a year purely to keep it what it has always been - A celebration of the people, friends, associates and their achievements inside and outside of the scene itself - We've all come a long way, people have come, people have gone, the scene has changed several times but Logic will always remain Logic. Thank you all so much for your endless support over the past 6 years - we would love you to come celebrate with us once again at the venue in which we were born....

Let the show begin !!!

Proteus, Logic's frontman is back home where he belongs. After taking up his exclusive UK residency with Logic back in 2003 Proteus has risen to international stardom, ranked in the top 100 worldwide and voted No.1 in the UK. We are VERY exited about having Hari back - This will be one MASSIVE show !! - Fasten your seatbelts !!!

In addition to this we bring you Finland's next rising star, Alek Szahala - the most talked about Finnish producer at the moment performing an exclusive London live PA - Check this baby out, Freeform madness, Finnish style !!! Since his explosive forthcoming in 2003 with tracks like 'Superstition' and 'Tlaloc' he has made a deep impact to both Finnish and international crowds and djs with dozens of amazing tracks;

The master himself returns. Jon Bell (AKA: Captain Tinrib) is one of the pioneers of the scene itself. We feel very priviledged to have Jon back. Those of you that attended may remember Captain Tinrib having to cancel his Logic debut at Camden Palace in 2003 due to technical difficulties - This guy performs totally live with live percussion and no back-up -His sets are simply a pleasure to experience. His stageshows and performances are unrivalled in their originality and energy.It's gonna go OFF !!!
Region: London
DJ's: Main Room:

Proteus - Stage Show
The *Ting*
Eduardo Herrera
MC DRI WEAVE - Guest appearance !!
Marc Antoine

Second Room: OBLIVION'S 3rd Birthday

Owen B
Andy T
James Jaye
Tin Tin B2B Jim Wild
Chris Vincent B2B KB

Who's Going? (169) : *cheeky chick*, *Ting*, *TWIRLY*, 001, 4:45, 8-Ball, Acid Nightmare, AdrenalineOverdrive, Andy McCall, Andy T, Anthem fairy, anushka007, bacardiocollio, Banja, BeBe, Ben Holder, bilbstar, bobbelhat, Bonzo, Bounce, brad duke, Brett Wood, Busta, ButtonMoon, carl nicholson, carmend70, ck, coco, coleman, Cook, crazyclubber66, cristina, D'Scrace, Daf, Damage, Dani T, Danny Luu, DANNY TAPPENDEN, Dave_Logic, Davey_Boy, DirtyDjs, Disco Biscuit, Dj Centurian, dj_sebastien, djtomec, eiraq, Eryk Orpheus, Euphoria, Fabio, Flip, FunkyFranky, Future Sound of Elvis, Gifted Pixie, Hard House Lady, HereICome 2, Holly-Anna, Homer_Online, IcePick, jack micheals, Jailson, James Condon, James Jaye, Janie Mac, Jay Om, Jids, Jim Wild, Jo and Mark N, joffy, Jolene Redtrip, Jurij, Kane, karina69, Kathrin, KB, kelly J, KennyKen, KetBoy, kimba_lee, KJB414HHA, klosed, Krazy Nut, kusoyaro, lauren c, Lee Osborne, Lisandra, littlesis, lix666, luke warner, madshadow, Manne, Marc Antoine, Maria, mark axel, markiedawes, MarkyMark, marufas, Matt, Matt Church, Matt4motocross, MICKEY.C, mimille, Mina, Mira G, miss mischa, MissFit, Missnaughty, Monster Munch, Moonpatrol, Moysey, mr tombone, Muffdiver, Mungo, NaughtyNat, Netski, Nick B, Nicky Hype, NJcyberPUNK, OblivionUK, Pepi, pinball, Porka, Private1, psycho, Purple Delight, Rainy Raver, raving_pixie, Repete, Ricky Pants, RobB-Se9, samya, sao, Scouser, Seb, Seraya, SERG., SexLoveandMotion, sexyminx, shaggs, sharkboy, Sherocker, skate, Slim Sadie, SmYrKy, snowqueen, Sooze, Soph, Spherical, spikecorp, Spud, Stakker, tazd, the_thunderbird, Tin Tin, Tina, Tinker.Bell, tinkerbell@play, Tuxedo, TWEEK 160, TWISTEDBITCH, Uni-Gate, upallnightandthensome, VOID, WEBBO, Whatever!!, World Citizen, zero tolerance ben, Zimma, ~deleted1390, ~deleted9412 
HF Photographer: Daf HF Reviewer: ~deleted1390
  Friday 29th July 2005
4 Play
Dirtyfunkysexy - PussyFunk
Subsonica London
Godskitchen Global Gathering
Hard Breed Sees Bouncemania
Tekno @ the Telegraph!
Bobby Sparkle's Floating Fandango
Crossover into the night-Logic after@6am Camper Van @ Global Gathering
Junior Jack/Kid Crème with Thirsty DJs
The Gallery With DJ Tiesto

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