Saturday 21st November 2009
Prime Time
Saturday 21st November 2009
CLUB 414 [map]
10pm till 10am
£8 before 12 £12 after. Ladies + Members free b4 12am
Buy Online:
Click here to buy tickets
Big thanks to the loyal supporters who cane down to the 414 in October and made it a success.
For this October edition we will continue in the same vain and provide for you a night that reflects all that's good about the underground hard dance scene in London today.
Saturday 21st November 09
Residents Stewart T & Jamie Tennant
Special Guests
Steve Flatline
Rick O'Shea
Lee G
Colin Jeffrey
£8 b412am £12 after.
For info please contact info@club414ent.co.uk
All to take place in a refurbished 414. Wicked sound system & intelligent lighting.
The legendary 414 leads from the front, renowned for its friendly but firm door staff, the smiling and helpful bar staff.
414 Coldharbour Lane, Brixton SW9
Come out of Brixton tube station, turn left then from the KFC turn left into Coldharbour Lane and 414 is 3 minutes walk on your left hand side.
Saturday 21st November 2009 |
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