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Saturday 1st March 2008

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On: Saturday 1st March 2008
At: Hidden [map]

From: 22:00 - 06:00
Cost: £11 early birds / £14 advanced or before 11 on door / £17 after
Ticket Info: Via Ticketweb.

Buy Online: Click here to buy tickets
More: Over two years ago, we threw our last official party at the now legendary Soundshaft in London. We always said we would be back - but I don’t think anyone could imagine how quickly two years would shoot by.

We have not spent that time sleeping however. We have evolved. Dance music (in all of it’s forms) has undergone a dramatic evolution too. As such we have bought with us the good bits that made our events so special from the past, enhanced and expanded them, added new twists and turns to make something that is extremely unique in the capital.

As with the past, we have gone a little mad. We have thrown away the golden rule of promoting. We have built this event on one premise- to pull out all the stops and have one hell of a party. We are not interested in making money nor turning profit. Our line-ups are a testament to our intentions, and they need no introductions. We want to give you the best music, the best talent, and the best night out that you’ve had in a hell of a long time.

We have selected the cream of home-grown talent, from the tried and tested through to the next big names.

Remember- this is your generation, and you are a part of it.
Region: London
Music: Trance. Hard Trance. Tech Trance. House. Bouncy House. Deep House. Funky House. Prog House. Tribal House. Vocal House. Electro House. Soulful House. Tech House. Club Classics. Electro. Soul.
DJ's: Trance Generation room:
The Thrillseekers
Matt Darey
Agnelli & Nelson
Corderoy vs U4IC DJS
Ehren Stowers
Simon Bostock
Dj Erc

The filthy Generation vs Cheeky People room:
Timo Garcia
Cheshire Catz
Junior J
Funk FX
Justin Steel
Eddie Johnson
Jason Day

The Next Generation room:
Jon Dirt
Dan Thompson vs E8TE
Adam Symbiosis
Yambu Social
Andy Dunford
Dan Cooper

Who's Going? (42) : *Ellie*, Adam Symbiosis, Alan-Banks, Andy Dunford, clarity, Dean Zone, Didoo, DPressure, ED_case, Ehren Stowers, Eve Kapeeve, fanclub, Frani Heyns, FunkyFox, Glyn Waters, Halcyon, Hitch the Knife, Ian Edwards, josie, Jurrane, Kamora, Karl Alexander, Katied, Lam, Matt, mike_merrett, Nacho, Nathalie, Neil Farnham, Pandora S-K, paul jack, Ped, ravechick, Rock On, rossy, Ryan Wilkinson, Shroom-42:O), simonbostock, thebouncer, Trancers, U4IC DJS, Xenon 
HF Photographer: vixta HF Reviewer:
  Saturday 1st March 2008
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