Thursday 5th April 2007
Alumni's 2nd Birthday
Thursday 5th April 2007
CLUB 414 [map]
21:00pm till 08:00am
Free for Alumni Members - PM For Details
£8 Before Midnight
£10 After
How embarrassing, what started out as something stupid has blown out of control. What started as a night of stupidity on a Thursday has since spawned weekend events and a day time party. The latter which even got a mention in the recent HF awards. Alumni is 2 years old this April. The fact that all those who attend regularly are still alive after two years of abuse is a minor miracle.
Last years 1st Birthday party, was to be fair, a massive success, 280 people came and got extremely messy on Easter Thursday and partied to the finest classic music on offer, mixed by a variety of DJing talent.
This year we do it again, April 5th, Easter Thursday is the date and Club 414 (recently voted 2nd best venue in the HF awards) is the place to be. This will be an extended event, opening at 9pm and going on till 8am. The reason for the later finish isn't to try and kill you, it's so you don't have to lurk at any tube stations as Good Friday will be a Sunday service. Aren't we good to you.
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